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Monticello NY which is located up hill about 2 hours drive from NY City is loaded with bungalow colonies and camps in which our children refresh during the summer time, there is a little City Life like Monticello City (far from what we're going to used to in NYC) and then much of it is suburbs.There is a lot of jewish life in Monticello shuls where you can daven and mikvah like bungalow colonies and camps, a lot of kosher food like pizza stores, restaurants, bakeries and grocery stores.There's plenty of attractions, boating, vegetable picking, animal zoo's and parks.

Monticello NY: About


Menucha Motel in Monticello is a cottage style (previously a bungalow colony) located right across the ichud bungalow colony where they have a big shul to learn shabbos and during the week with lots of minyanim.It is motel style with amenities like linen, towels, and a/c, no food but there's a kosher supermarket, pizza and deli right across the street.

Monticello NY: Welcome
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