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South Fallsburg NY is located up on the mountain about 2 hours drive from NY City has plenty bungalow colonies and camps, much of it is suburbs.There is lots of jewish life in South Fallsburg shuls where you can daven and mikvah like bungalow colonies and camps, it is pretty close to Woodburne where you have the Woodburne shul of the nikelsburg rebbe with lots of minyanim throughout the week, kosher food like pizza stores, restaurants, bakeries and grocery stores.There's plenty of attractions, boating, vegetable picking, animal zoo's and parks.

South Fallsburg: About


Machne bais ruchel  is a cottage style bungalow colony located right next to vishnitz girl camp the it is hotel style with lavish food being served in their lunch room during the week and sent home for shabbos meals.Although it is a bungalow colony which is usually given out for the summer or half summer they might have the option of coming for a week which you have to contact them.Shul on premises on shabbos, and during the week you can daven you can daven in the camp shul or take a little drive to the Woodburne shul.Regarding amenities like linen, towels, and a/c, you have to ask them. there's a kosher supermarket, and restaurants walking distance.

South Fallsburg: Welcome


Raleigh Hotel in South Fallsburg is a building style full service hotel serving lavish food in their lunch room during the week and shabbos with a shul on premises and lots of space to relax.

South Fallsburg: Welcome
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